Take 15% of all INSPIRED BY FRAGRANCES WITH CODE TAKE15 Valid till 9/30/24 (Not combinable with other discounts) NEW FLAT RATE SHIPPING $5.00 ON ORDERS UP TO $99.00, $10.00 SHIPPING ON ORDERS $100-$200
Take 15% of all INSPIRED BY FRAGRANCES WITH CODE TAKE15 Valid till 9/30/24 (Not combinable with other discounts) NEW FLAT RATE SHIPPING $5.00 ON ORDERS UP TO $99.00, $10.00 SHIPPING ON ORDERS $100-$200
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Comparative Disclaimer

Lady In Red International, LLC. competes with the designer brands.  It does not use their fragrances and is not associated in any way with the designer brands or their manufacturers.  

All trademarks are property of their respective owners.  

We are in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's statement of policy regarding comparative advertising.

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